lundi 23 février 2015

CreateDelegate type cannot be null

I have a C# desktop app.

It uses reflection to late bind to a DLL

This is my code:

class myClass
//module declarations:

public static event delMotionDiscovered evMotionDiscovered;
public delegate void delMotionDiscovered(int camIndex);
public static Type Core = null;

void myfunction()
Assembly program = Assembly.Load(bytes);
Core = program.GetType("InformedMotion.Engine.Core");
var flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;

evMotionDiscoveredDynamic = Core.GetEvent("evMotionDiscovered", flags);
delMotionDiscoveredDynamic = Delegate.CreateDelegate(evMotionDiscoveredDynamic.EventHandlerType, null, "evMotionDiscovered");
evMotionDiscoveredDynamic.AddEventHandler(null, delMotionDiscoveredDynamic);

It errors on 'CreateDelegate with Target value cannot be null.

I did this work at some stage as well...

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