samedi 21 février 2015

Get notified when annotated objects are created in Java


I've got a custom Java annotation: @DynamicField

public class RESTEndpointInvoker {
private long httpTimeout = 8000L;

public void setHttpTimeout(long t){
this.httpTimeout = t;

When someone changes a value in a file or database corresponding to the annotated field, invoke the setter for all instances with that property to reflect the new value. So I need to keep track of all instances that use the annotation, in a map or something, to update them when a change occurs externally:


Note: I intend to use some form of WeakHashMap() to avoid holding references to stale instances.


How do I track annotated, but arbitrary, instances if I don't control when and how those instances are created?

Ideally, I want to be notified the moment an instance is created.


I can scan the classpath for class types, then search each class for annotated fields (see below), but I'm not sure how to track live instances.

//get classes with annotation
Reflections r = new Reflections("", new TypeAnnotationsScanner());
Set<Class<?>> allAnnotated = r.getTypesAnnotatedWith(DynamicField.class);
//identify fields
for(Class<?> cls : allAnnotated){
for(Field field : cls.getDeclaredFields()){
Class type = field.getType();
String name = field.getName();

Solution for Spring beans

If those instances are spring beans, I can do it, but I'd rather avoid that limitation.

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