dimanche 3 septembre 2017

Instantiate all classes that implement an instance of a generic interface

I have a hierarchy of generic interfaces, where every interface is related to IOperator.

interface IOperator<T1, T2>
    Func<T1, T2, bool> GetFunc()

IOperator : IOperator<object, object>

interface IMatchingOperator : IOperator<string, string> { }

interface IComparisonOperator<T1, T2> : IOperator<T1, T2>
    where T1: IComparable<T2> { }

interface IComparisonOperator<T> : IComparisonOperator<T, T>
    where T: IComparable<T> { }

interface IComparisonOperator : IComparisonOperator<IComparable, object>

I have a lot of classes (not generic) that implement one or more of these interfaces, for example:

class GreaterThanOperator : 
    IComparisonOperator<DateTime, string>
{ ... }

class EqualComparator: IOperator

class RegexOperator : IMatchingOperator { ... }

Now, I want a to create a factory that can load and instantiate every class in the assemblies that in some way implements the parent interface "IOperator", and put it in a collection.

I tried with:

              .SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
                  x => x.IsGenericType 
                  && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IOperator<,>) 
                  && !x.IsInterface && !x.IsAbstract))
              .Select(x => Activator.CreateInstance(x)).ToList();

but it doesn't work.

I want the final list to hold one instance of each IOperator class. I will then navigate the objects with reflection to see what generic types they use.

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