vendredi 3 août 2018

Override super call

I'm currently working on a project and I need to be able to override a super call with my data, but I don't even know if it's possible. Here's the class: and here's the class that is extended: Using reflection I'm modifying the variable c found in the second class, but the super call is overriding the new c variable I insterted. If this is not possible can someone tell me how to?

(I'm not sending my code as I don't think it's needed, but if it is just ask!) void register(net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.World nmsWorld, World world, final BiomeGenerator biome) throws IllegalAccessException { CraftWorld craftWorld = (CraftWorld) world;

     ChunkGeneratorAbstract generator = (ChunkGeneratorAbstract) craftWorld.getHandle().worldProvider.getChunkGenerator();

     FieldUtils.writeField(generator, "c", new CustomWorldChunkManager(biome), true);

     Field field = FieldUtils.getField(generator.getClass(), "a", true);

     GeneratorAccess access = (GeneratorAccess) field.get(generator);

     ChunkProviderGenerate generate = (ChunkProviderGenerate) generator;
     Field field1 = FieldUtils.getField(generate.getClass(), "k", true);

     GeneratorSettingsOverworld generatorSettingsOverworld = (GeneratorSettingsOverworld) field1.get(generate);

     try {
         Constructor<?> constructor = generate.getClass().getConstructor(GeneratorAccess.class, WorldChunkManager.class, GeneratorSettingsOverworld.class);
         constructor.newInstance(access, new CustomWorldChunkManager(biome), generatorSettingsOverworld);
     } catch (InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {

     if(craftWorld.getHandle().worldProvider.getChunkGenerator().getWorldChunkManager() instanceof CustomWorldChunkManager){
     }else {

This is what I tried but I'm just creating a new instance and that's not what I want Ps: A friend is helping mem but still no idea on how to

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