mercredi 26 décembre 2018

C# Reflection Emit Func with new instance

I'am trying to emit the following code via Reflection:

 this.Inputs = new DynamicCollection<IFunctionInput<Digital>>((string name) => new FunctionInput<Digital>(this, name));

The ctor of the DynamicCollection takes a func and looks like:

public DynamicCollection ( Func<string, T> createPin )

But when i look at the compiled IL code it gives me:

IL_0008: ldarg.0
    IL_0009: ldarg.0
    IL_000a: ldftn instance class [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.IFunctionInput`1<valuetype [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.Digital> CM.Server.LogicalAndFunctionServer::'<.ctor>b__0_0'(string)
    IL_0010: newobj instance void class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<string, class [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.IFunctionInput`1<valuetype [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.Digital>>::.ctor(object,  native int)
    IL_0015: newobj instance void class CM.Server.DynamicCollection`1<class [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.IFunctionInput`1<valuetype [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.Digital>>::.ctor(class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<string, !0>)
    IL_001a: stfld class [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.IDynamicCollection`1<class [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.IFunctionInput`1<valuetype [CM.Shared]CM.Shared.Digital>> CM.Server.LogicalAndFunctionServer::'<Inputs>k__BackingField'
    IL_001f: ldarg.0

But where in this IL can i find the instanciation of the FunctionInput-class. I can only see some IFunctionInput-types which is the interface implemented by FunctionInput but how does this code know the real type to instanciate? Does anyone has an idea?

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