lundi 17 décembre 2018

Object does not match target type reflection

I'm building a small framework for my WPF application. I have the following view model:

public class MyViewModel : ICanHandle<MyCommand, CanHandleMyCommand> {}

In the background when my ExtendedEventAggregator publishes a command of type MyCommand, it will look up all subscribers of this command, and find the implemented interface to see if it can handle this.

public ExecuteStrategy(MethodInfo command, Type canExecuteType)
   Command = command;
   CanExecuteType = canExecuteType;
   CanExecute = CanExecuteType.GetMethod("CanExecute");

public void Execute(object message)
   CanExecute.Invoke(CanExecuteType, new[] { message });

Running the Execute method will result in an exception saying object does not match target type. I thought the CanExecuteType was the type associated with this method?

What am I missing here?

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