mercredi 12 décembre 2018

jax-rs web service giving 404 when using embedded jetty

This has been bugging me for the past 2 days now.My problem is that i have developed a jax-rs web service using embedded jetty and this works completely fine as a standalone project.The problem arises when i try to call the main method that starts the jetty server via reflection from another code. I have cross checked that there are no class-loader issues (apparently as no error is being thrown) but the path at which i access my web service returns 404,no errors are thrown.I can see from the logs that the server is starting just fine but the rest endpoint is not being hit or resolved or whatever is the reason for 404.Also note that the dependent jars for that project as well as the class containing the main method are being loaded via a url classloader created from the urls of the source files and jars. Desperately need help

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