vendredi 14 décembre 2018

Java reflection - Android classes not found

I am trying to run reflection to check if some android class exists in Java ( such as Toast ). I am running it from my Command line using this code:

String [] packages = new String[] {"java.lang.",
for (int i = 0; i < packages.length; i++){
    String package_name = packages[i];
    try {
        Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(package_name + "Toast");
        System.out.println("class Exists");
        return clazz;
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
        System.out.println("class " + package_name + "Toast doesnt exists");

However, I get the output: class android.widget.Toast doesn't exists ( but I know it does this is where the class is at) any ideas?

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