mercredi 19 décembre 2018

How to get custom attribute of a property within a property in a class

My task is to the set/initialize all the properties tagged with custom attributes inside a class, derived to the class & properties within properties of that class. Example:

 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            A a = new A();

    public class A : C
        public string NameA{ get; set; }

        public B ObjB { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> InjectableProperties()
            var response = new List<PropertyInfo>();
            // get the mnodule properties
            var moduleProperties = GetType().GetProperties();
         foreach (var moduleProperty in moduleProperties)
                var attribute = moduleProperty.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CodeModulePropertyAttribute), false)

                if (attribute != null && ((CodeModulePropertyAttribute)attribute).PropertyType ==

            return response // Only gives A,D &C . I also want custom attributes children properties within objB;

In this method, I also want to get custom attributes properties for property "ClassB" along with properties from Class A, D & E. How to achieve that?

    public class B
        public string NameB { get; set; }
    public class C : D
        public string NameC { get; set; }

    public class D
        public string NameD { get; set; }

    public class CodeModulePropertyAttribute : Attribute
        public CodeModulePropertyAttribute(ModulePropertyType propertyType)
            PropertyType = propertyType;

        public ModulePropertyType PropertyType { get; set; }


    public enum ModulePropertyType
        Injectable = 1,
        DynamicConfiguration = 2

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