vendredi 21 août 2020

Call java method from JNI with reflection / С++

I need to call a java method from JNI using reflection. (I know that this can be done without reflection, but the application I'm trying to do this in has protection and env - >GetMethodId returns nullptr) I successfully got the invoke function from java.lang.reflect.Method and I can call the method, but what do I do with the arguments? The invoke method takes the java.lang.Object array as arguments, and if I need to call the (void abc(int A)) method for example, what should I do?

I tried to do this via java/lang/Integer, but it doesn't seem to be correct and I end up getting a crash.

I apologize for the English, I used a translator.

jclass integerClass = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Integer");
jmethodID integerConstructor = jenv->GetMethodID(integerClass, "<init>", "(I)V");
jenv->SetObjectArrayElement(Args,0, jenv->NewObject(integerClass, integerConstructor, 10));

I hope for your help.

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