the following code works without any issue:
Dim SubmodelElement = New BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Implementations.SubmodelElementTypes.[Property](Of Double)() With {
.IdShort = "TestProperty1",
.[Set] = Function(prop, val)
Return _test = val
End Function
SubmodelElement.[Get] = Function(prop)
Return 4711
End Function
What I am trying to do is to create those submodel elements dynamically for each property of my class with the following code:
For Each Eigenschaft As PropertyInfo In Me.GetType().GetProperties()
If Eigenschaft.CanRead = True Then
Dim Eigenschaftstyp As Type = Type.GetType(Eigenschaft.PropertyType.FullName)
Dim GenerischerTypBasysProperty As Type = GetType(BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Implementations.SubmodelElementTypes.Property(Of)).MakeGenericType(Eigenschaftstyp)
Dim BasysEigenschaft = Activator.CreateInstance(GenerischerTypBasysProperty)
BasysEigenschaft.IdShort = Eigenschaft.Name
BasysEigenschaft.[Get] = Function(prop)
'Return Eigenschaft.GetValue(Me)
Return 4711
End Function
BasysEigenschaft.Set = Sub(ByVal Prop, ByVal Wert)
Eigenschaft.SetValue(Me, Wert)
End Sub
End If
As seen in the debugger both objects (SubmodelElement and BasysEigenschaft are of same type).
screenshot of values of submodelElement and BasysEigenschaft
Unfortunally the assigning of the [Get]-function, doesnt work in the second code snipet. I get this error
System.InvalidCastException: "Method invocation failed because 'Public Overrides Property Get() As BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.SubmodelElementTypes.GetPropertyValueHandler(Of Double)' cannot be called with these arguments: Argument matching parameter 'value' cannot convert from 'VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of Object,Integer)' to 'GetPropertyValueHandler(Of Double)'."
Any help will be greatly appreciated
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