lundi 24 août 2020

Haskell reflection: does record have field?

GHC Generics tools let you inspect constructor name, but what about field names?

Suppose I have a data type

data Foo
  = F {f :: Int}
  | OO {oo :: String}
  | Foo {f :: Int, oo :: String}

And I have the following piece of data

aFoo :: Foo

I can write something like:

ooMay :: Foo -> Maybe String
ooMay f@(Foo {}) = Just (oo f)
ooMay f@(OO {}) = Just (oo f)
ooMay f@(F {}) = Nothing

guarding the accessor oo by the constructors which I know it is safe to use upon.

Is there a way to write this using Generics? Does something like fieldMay exist?

ooMay :: Foo -> Maybe String
ooMay f = fieldMay "oo" f

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