lundi 10 août 2020

Reflection: different behavior when running locally and from docker

There is the following class hierarchy:

public class A {}
public class B extends A{}
public class C extends A{}

And entity hierarchy:

@Table(name = "table_name")
public class HB extends HA<B> {}

@Table(name = "table_name")
public class HC extends HA<C>{}

@Table(name = "table_name")
@TypeDef(name = JsonObject.TYPE, typeClass = JsonObject.class)
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class HA<T extends A>{

  // id, constructor etc.

  @Type(type = JsonObject.TYPE)
  private T data;


And I have JsonObject

public class JsonObject implements UserType, DynamicParameterizedType {

  public static final String TYPE = "type";
  private Type javaType;

  // implemenations of UserType methods

  public void setParameterValues(Properties parameters) {
    XProperty xProperty = (XProperty) parameters.get(DynamicParameterizedType.XPROPERTY);
    if (xProperty instanceof JavaXMember) {
      try {
        javaType = ((JavaXMember) xProperty).getJavaType();
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // ...          }
    } else {
      // ...


When I run this code locally from IDE (openJdk 12), all OK. javaType has value T, and javaType instanceOf TypeVariable is true. But when I run it from docker (openjdk:12-alpine) javaType always has type com.some.package.B.

So, what could be the problem of different program behavior when launched from different environments? Maybe problem not in jdk version, but in smth else.

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