mercredi 26 août 2020

How can I put && condition in LINQ with reflection in C#?

public class Exclusion
    public ICollection<KeyValues> Exclusionproperties{get;set;}
    public string Display_value{get;set;}

public class KeyValues
public string Key {get;set;}
public ICollection<string> Values{get;set;}

public IQueryable<T> ExcludeFromResult<T>(IQueryable<T> result, ICollection<Exclusion> exclusions)
       foreach(var ex in exclusions)
         foreach(var p in ex.ExcludedProperties)
            result = result.Where(x=>!p.Values.Contains(x.GetType().GetProperty(p.Key).GetValue(x).ToString()));

this above code will work fine if excludedproperties have just one property. But if it has more than 1 property than I would like to have a condition in where with &&. Can somebody please help how to do this?

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