samedi 7 février 2015

Access another class's data member's field JAVA

So, I want to access one class's data member's field from a whole other class through reflection. I have been unable to figure out, how, after I get the data member through reflection, I can change the field's value. I don't really know how to express it better, so I will let the code speak for me.

Here follows the handler class that calls the buttons. Following are the rest of the classes, whose functionality I will explain on the go.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class SimHandler extends Frame{

public myValveButton but0,but1,but2,but3,but4,but5,but6,but7;
public SimHandler(){
super("Liquer Plant Control Panel");
this.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14));

but0 = new myValveButton("S1a",100,40,this);
but1 = new myValveButton("S1b",100,140,this);
but2 = new myValveButton("S2a",200,40,this);
but3 = new myValveButton("S2b",200,140,this);
but4 = new myValveButton("S3a",100,240,this);
but5 = new myValveButton("S3b",100,340,this);
but6 = new myValveButton("S4a",200,240,this);
but7 = new myValveButton("S4b",200,340,this);

this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {


This is actually where I try to use reflection to change the value of Silo's instance state. Below this one follow LiqPlantSim and Silo classes. As you can see, the state variable cannot be resolved that way, and after quite some googling, I can't figure out how I can make it work.

import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class myValveButton extends Button{
String label;
public myValveButton(String label,int x,int y,Frame f){
this.label = label;
this.addActionListener(new myValveButtonHandler(label));
this.setBounds(x, y, 35, 30);

class myValveButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
Field f;
String label;
public myValveButtonHandler(String label){
this.label = label;

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent pushButton){
Silo t = new Silo(false,false);
try {
f = LiqPlantSim.class.getDeclaredField("silo"+label.split("")[1]);
//f.state = "full" //Eclipse says 'state cannot be resolved to a type or is not a field'
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {

Here is the LiqPlantSim class.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LiqPlantSim{

public Silo silo1,silo2,silo3,silo4;
public Pipe pipe;

public LiqPlantSim(){
silo1 = new Silo(false,false);
silo2 = new Silo(false,true);
silo3 = new Silo(true,false);
silo4 = new Silo(true,true);
pipe = new Pipe();

Here is the Silo Class.

public class Silo {

public boolean mixer,resistance;
public String state,mixerState,resState;
public Silo(boolean mix,boolean res){
mixer = mix;
resistance = res;
state = "empty";


Apart from finding out how I can access the silo's state variables, I would really appreciate any feedback and/or advice on how I could structure my work better, and on any mistakes I might have made.

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