mardi 3 février 2015


I'm trying to figure out how can the constants IS_IMPLICIT_ABSTRACT and IS_EXPLICIT_ABSTRACT of the ReflectionClass be used (if possible at all) to make the ReflectionClass::isAbstract() to return true only when the class is abstract because of its definition NOT because it contains abstract methods.

By default, when used with interface, this method returns true and I would like to know whether there is a way of changing this behaviour using these two pre-defined constants.

Example would be:

interface BookInterface {

public function getTitle();

public function getAuthors();

public function getYear();

public function getIsbn();


$book = new ReflectionClass('BookInterface');
$book->isAbstract() // returns true

Obviously ReflectionClass::isAbstract() doesn't take any arguments - so not quite sure if it's possible.

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