mardi 4 août 2020

Necessity of calling Elem() method on pointer-receiver for struct reflection

I have struct

type ChartOpts struct {
    Name              mypakage.MyType
    Repo              mypakage.MyType

on which I want to set a receiver for reflection.

func (chartOpts *ChartOpts) BindFlags() {
    fields := reflect.TypeOf(chartOpts)
    values := reflect.ValueOf(chartOpts)
    num := fields.NumField()
    fmt.Println(fields, values, num)

The above code panics

panic: reflect: NumField of non-struct type *app.ChartOpts

Why do I need to call the Elem() method to fix this?

func (chartOpts *ChartOpts) BindFlags() {
    fields := reflect.TypeOf(chartOpts)
    values := reflect.ValueOf(chartOpts)
    num := fields.Elem().NumField()
    fmt.Println(fields, values, num)

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