mardi 4 août 2020

Scala invoke Object apply method using string

I have a class MyFilter which has many different versions. Depending on the input version, I want to invoke that object and apply that filter. Sample is shown below:

object v1{
  def apply(l: List[String]) = {

object v2{
  def apply(l: List[String]) = {

object MyFilter {
  def apply(version: String) = (l: List[String]) => {
    println("Applying Filter")
    version match {
      case "v1" => v1(l)
      case "v2" => v2(l)
      case _ => 

val df = List("a-v1", "b-v1", "c-v2", "d-v2")

Now, If I have many versions, there will be a long list of case in match. How can I avoid it and directly call apply method of Object using passed version which is string. It would be great, if someone can help.

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