mercredi 5 août 2020

create a wrapper class with additional features in java

I want to create a wrapper class over another class so that it hides the functionality of wrapped class and also the wrapper provides certain methods of its own.

For example, lets say we have class A as

public class A{
    void method1(){ ... do something ... }
    void method2(){ ... do something ... }
    void method3(){ ... do something ... }

Now I want another class B which wraps class A, so that it has its own methods, and also if someone asks method of class A, it should delegate it to class A.

public class B{
     // if someone asks method1() or method2() or method3() ... it should delegate it to A
     // and also it has own methods
     void method4(){ ... do something ... }
     void method5(){ ... do something ... }

I can't use inheritance (i.e B extends A) because its not easy with my use case (where A has concrete constructor with some parameters which we can't get ... but we can get the object of A).

I can't simply delegate each function in A using object of A (because there are several functions in A)

Is there any other way to obtain class B with said restrictions?

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